Saturday, February 12, 2011

Review: Lover Mine (#8)

Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #8)Lover Mine by J.R. Ward

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The story of Xhex and John Matthew.

Whoa. OK, so there is ALOT that goes on in this book. Dang. Some of it, I think, is setup for future books and not just the next one that focuses on Payne.

I really love the character of Xhex - and the only part that I thought was a little lacking was in her backstory. I'm hoping that will come out in a later book or books.

But what I love, love, loved about this one - the possibilities of a relationship between Qhuinn and Blay. I've been hoping for that since those characters were introduced....but I just didn't see it happening. But now....the beginnings are there.

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